For the first time in 19 months I got- wait for it- 10 WHOLE HOURS OF UNINTERRUPTED SLEEP LAST NIGHT!!! I am not sure how many times today I have said little prayers of thanks to God for that amazing treat. I was so sleepy last night, I went to bed before either one of the boys. I thought I would lay in bed and read or watch tv, but nope, I tried and just passed out, at 8:00 at night. I didn't wake up again until 6:00 this morning (ok, there was a brief rendezvous to relieve to my bladder sometime in the middle of the night, but since I fell back to sleep immediately, it doesn't count). I probably would have slept longer had Price not woken up way early thanks to the super huge poop he made at 5:45 this morning. Of course, maybe if I had bought the right size diapers (why oh why did I buy size 3 and not size 4 like I have been buying for the past 4 months??), he might not have been so uncomfortable that he had to wake all of us up to let us know about the stinky present in his pants. But honestly, with ten glorious hours of sleep, I almost didn't care. And because I was so well rested and in such a good mood, I almost laughed when I was brushing my teeth and Price threw his sippy cup, that I had just made, into the toilet. But no! Sleep is a rejuvenator, I was too serene from so many continuous hours of sleep that I just grabbed it and took into the kitchen to fix him another one. I wish that I could say the happy sleep spell stayed with me while washing potty cup off in the kitchen sink, but it would be a lie to say that every ounce of hard earned serenity did not abandon my soul when I walked into the dining room and saw that my sweet, precious angel had dumped the dog's food and water onto the floor and was having a mid-morning snack of soggy dog food...

Other than dog food, here's what we'll be eating this week...
Monday-Sloppy Joes
Tuesday- thanks to an unexpected early evening errand to find
fix a flat, we feasted on Popeye's
Wednesday- Black Bean Burgers and Sweet Potato Fries (what is it about this flavor combo that I enjoy so much?)
Thursday- Hashbrown Casserole
Friday- leftovers
Saturday- Pizza
What is hash broown casserole??
Congrats on the sleep!
So I believe when we webcammed that Gabe told Price how much FUN it is to dump the dog's food and water...yep our boys still have their touch LOL
Stacey- i usually make a tater tot casserole, but have a bag of hashbrowns, so I think I'm gonna do a hybrid borrowing from the potato recipe you sent me and my tater tot casserole recipe, I'll post it here if it works out.
Rachel- Yes, I think they can communicate across the miles. He's been dumping out the water, yesterday was the first time he added the food... Silly boys!
Ahh, the dog food eating stage - one of my least favorite things about a toddler. Seriously, their taste buds can't be so poorly developed that it actually tastes good. I found it interesting that Aidan would eat dog food but refuse wonderful meals made my his mother - what's up with that?
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