Friday night, Don worked late (again), but made it home in time for us to go to Bamboo Willies, the base's beach bar and grill, for dinner. Food was ok, but cheap and the sangria was exactly what I needed! We had a really nice evening, and once again felt blessed to be here- eating dinner outside by the sea.
Saturday, we wanted to run some errands and I wanted to go to Jeff's Pirates Cove for lunch. I have wanted to go to Jeff's or The Cove, as the locals call it, since we found out we were moving here. So, I convinced Don that it wasn't that out of the way (hahahaha) based on our errands for the day (he wanted to go to Ritidian beach, but we'll save that for another weekend). Before we left base, Don wanted to show me the lookout point he had just found about the day before. It was a great view!

Looking down from the scenic overlook on base.
After the lookout, we went on a beer run, Don was hoping to find some Sam Adam's Cherry Wheat but we discovered a new beer, Black Butte Porter. Oh my goodness- it is chocolaty deliciousness!! Perfect after doing yard work and while eating black bean burritos. After the beer run, we headed down to Jeff's Pirate's Cove.
And I discovered, that once you get off the beaten path, Guam's interior is quite lovely. Guam is mountainous, not volcanic, but formed by plate movement. In fact, according to Wikipedia (if you can trust the source), the tallest mountain on Guam may actually be the tallest mountain on the planet because it goes so deep beneath the sea. The drive to Jeff's was, in places, spectacular. I firmly believe that even on really bad days, I will always find solace in knowing that I get to see the ocean every day that we live here. Jeff's was, as expected kind of touristy, but still great. It was so nice to eat outside and watch a rain storm blow in off the ocean. Cool breeze, good food, excellent view= great lunch!

Everyone who visits Jeff's (and especially those of us who blog about Guam) have at least 1 picture in the silly cut outs- it's the law
After Jeff's we wandered across the street to the Ifit wood sculpture showcase, they had some amazing pieces. The artist's wife, Veronica, gave us fresh limeade made with limes that grow on their lime tree. We will definitely be back to eat at Jeff's and buy some Ifit artwork. We left that part of the island and headed to Big Navy. Of course we got lost and had to turn around. But, had that not happened we wouldn't have seen a chicken fl;y across the road. It was the craziest thing, and I was glad Price was asleep because I yelled, "Holy Shit (sorry Mom)!!!" when I saw it. I grew up with chickens, but we kept their wings clipped so the furthest I had ever seen one fly was from the roost to the yard or up to a stump, but I swear this bird flew from high in a tree, down and across the road, then came to a stop and started pecking around like a "regular" chicken. Although I probably won't find solace in seeing chickens everyday, they crack me up and I have gotten in the habit of saying, "chicken" every time I see one just wandering around somewhere. I'm trying to break that habit, because I say it often.
Sunday, we went to church on base again. Price became a little ridiculous about half way through- he wouldn't sit still, he wouldn't drink from his cup, he spilled Cheerios everywhere. He was driving me CRAZY and I wasn't getting anything out of the service at this point because I was so distracted, so we left. We went back to try to meet up with some people to go to lunch, but missed them, so we decided to go down to one of the hotels for brunch. I told Don it would probably be a little expensive, but we wanted to get off base and eat, plus I somehow had it in my head that the USO was having an Oriental rug sale so we headed downtown to the Fiesta Hotel for brunch because it was close to the USO (which it turned out wasn't having a sale, which we found out after walking a mile to get there) and because we had heard nice things about the buffet. We were SORELY disappointed in the brunch. I let Don look before we committed, but I should have looked- it was kind of slim pickings, especially for how expensive it ended up being. We were both disappointed in the food and the cost, but the view out to the ocean was great, so we couldn't complain too much.
After brunch, we went to Kmart. It was our first time to experience Guam's Kmart, which is purportedly the largest Kmart in the world. It was VERY large. It was crowded, but I think that was due to the time of day we went. They had a good selection of things and prices were pretty reasonable. It might be worth the trip every now and then if I can't find what I want at either our BX or Big Navy. It made me really miss Target (which doesn't even ship to Guam by the way, the letter writing campaign will begin shortly).
We bought Price his birthday present (2 months late thanks to the move and our awesomeness as parents) yesterday and took him for a walk in it. It was a really nice way to end a wonderful weekend....

Chillaxin' in his new ride
i love how you used "slim pickings"! i'm a southern girl & have been know to use the phrase a time or two..... looks like you all had a fun weekend. i can't wait to explore the island too when we get there! awesome photos!!
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